How To Increase Video Impressions Click-through Rate And Get More Views (100% Granted)

Learn How To Increase Video Impressions Click-through Rate And Get More Views.

Hello, Welcome back to Jerry Monetization Vlog.
          Today I will be teaching you 3 ways to increase your YouTube Video impression click-through rate.  This Method Works 100% Granted. 

These are Methods to increase your Video Impressions Click-Through Rate:

*Tips 1. Avoid Low View Devastation.
What is Low View Devastation: This is typically viewer's mindset which hunts videos below 1,000 views. Viewer literally believe Interesting contents from original source ought to have many views thereby skipping videos with few views. 

This is main reason new channels with Fewer Subscribers suffer Low impressions click-through rate. 

To Avoid Low View Devastation always share your video to other social media so that your friends and other people who likes your content will click and watch your video. Always try your best to get your videos above 1,000 views by sharing to other social platforms.  

*Tips 2. Magnetic Video Thumbnail 
One of the easiest way to increase your video impressions click-through rates is by uploading a better thumbnail. Thumbnails acts as a View Magnet, therefore you must make sure your video thumbnail is possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract Viewers.  
If your Thumbnail doesn't have much ability to attract Viewers, Then its not a view Magnet. 

Things to consider while creating A Thumbnail for Your Video: Click Here To Learn How To Create A Better Thumbnail. 

*Tips 3. Video Title, Description and Tags.

Video Title: is another View Magnet because it contributes to the rate at which people will click to watch your video after seeing your video thumbnail. Therefore you must make sure your video title is also attractive and must correspond with your thumbnail. 
Your Video Thumbnail and Title describes what your video is about so both must correspond. 

Video Description: is very important to optimize your video description because it help in search console and make crawler understand what your video is about. Your Description plays a every big role it also helps to determine what search term suits your video. 

Video Tags: Your Video tags plays the same role with Video Description it determine the best search terms and topic for your video.

Fastest way to get 4000 watch hours in 28 days

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To Learn More On how To Increase Click Through Rate. Watch Video Below.
All right guys welcome to my YouTube channel jerry monetization vlog in this video i'll be showing you how to fight against low impression click-through rates if you have faced a very proper thumbnail and your title is okay your description is okay and yet you are not getting views on your channel i will tell you one of the possible cause of this

and let's look at this particular video here

this video was uploaded two days ago and right now it has over 9000 impressions 0.8 collector rate this is very low this is very very very low what can be the possible cause of load impression click-through rate when you have a wonderful thumbnail a wonderful description and video title yes your videos are being suggested that is what means 9000 impressions 9000 impressions mean that your thumbnail has been shown to people 9 000 times 9 000 times it has been shown to people but the percentage at which it was clicks the percentage at which your videos were watched after people saying the impression after people saying your video is why you already have a better thumbnail and your title is okay what can cause this is the number of views your video already have like if you come to YouTube many people will possibly click on video with above 1000 views

if your video is below 1000 views the percentage at which people will click to watch it will be very very low about 90 percent of viewers on YouTube prefer to watch videos that are above 1000 views so this can affect your impression click to rate so to fight against this what you do share your contents to social platforms like Facebook twitter Instagram let your friends and your fans and people that likes your content come around and watch the video to increase your views this usually happens to channels with fewer subscribers

 for channels with subscribers that are above 10 000 and let's say 20 000 subscribers once they upload their videos their subscribers will at least watch the videos and rank it to 1000 views if your video have less than 1000 views it can affect the click-through rates because many people will prefer to watch videos that are above 1000 because they think that is the best content even the best content will still start at zero this is one of the reasons why you have a very bad impression click-through rate despite your impressions thousands of impressions 0.8 click-through rate

now what is still getting views here is getting views from suggested in the last in last 60 minutes it got five views in the last 60 minutes so it's getting views but the with the rate of the impression it is very very low but this other video down here because this this video i just showed you is my last video that i uploaded two days ago this particular video is already performing well because it has uh over 1000 over 1000 views so it has got to me 1000. sorry it has gotten me 114 subscribers they watch time from it is 131 views 1551.

now in this particular video the impression click-through rate is high YouTube did not suggest this video much when it had view subscribers that is why it retained the impression click through rate that is why it will take a high or let's say more trades click through rates but if the same thing that happened in this particular video uploaded two days ago happened there the impression please do rates will be very very low because people prefer to watch videos that are above 1 000 subscribers one thousand views 

so if you want your video impression click through rate to be high try to share your videos after uploading it stretch to share it on social platforms so that it can get up to 1000 views this will help increase the impression click-through rate of your video this video only has 7600 impressions 8.9 impression click to it and the video i uploaded just yesterday has over 9 000 impression click through rate yes this can happen to any of your videos you do not know which of your video gets suggested more

 this happened in one of my one of my channels let me check in one of my channels do something happened this particular channel i'll design ideas hd i upon the first day i uploaded this video first 24 hours okay let me check here okay it's got 5 700 impressions 2.7 percent impression click to it because it was below 1 000 views
 so when your videos are less than 1000 views the impression click through rates will be low people will not like to watch it so only a few people will click on it but 90 percent would not click on it because they believe original content and the quality content should have over one thousand such 1000 views but they forget that each video started from zero view 

so this is just what i want to share with you today i won't be wasting your time if you have not watched other videos on how to increase your impression click-through rates you can watch the videos in my channel i uploaded how to get 4000 watch hours in just 28 days fastest way to get 4000 watch hours in 28 days these videos are in my channel you can watch them to increase the impression click-through rates and find out what really works for your channel

these videos will help you to increase your watch hours so watch the videos for you to know how to increase your impression click-through rates and how to get your videos suggested to more people this same thing that happened here will also happen to your channel if you learn this tricks your video will be suggested to many people nine thousand impressions in just two days this particular video i showed you here it has over 30 000 impressions

this particular video has over 30 000 impressions so if you learn these things it will help you to get your YouTube channel monetized easily the other things i do in my channel and it really works please if you have not subscribed to my YouTube channel please hit the subscribe button so that you get notified each time i upload new video i only upload videos that are relevant i only upload videos that are educative so turn on the notification bell so that you get notified each time i upload new videos to learn how to increase your watch hour and how to get monetized within 28 days watch these videos watch them to learn more thank you so much for your time stay connected

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