Why is my watch time decreasing? Here is the reason your Watch hour is reducing.


This is a question a lot of people are asking "why is my watch time decreasing", today i will let you know why your watch time is reducing and how to stop if from reducing. 

There are two main reason your watch time could decrease.

1. Invalid Traffic. 
2. Watch Hour Range. 

Invalid Traffic

Invalid Traffic can lead to watch time reduction. If invalid traffic is detected on your channel or Video all the watch hours obtained from the invalid traffic will be removed, remember in some cases you might also lose part of genuine watch time that you got during this invalid traffic. 

It takes 24 - 48hrs to finalize the watch hours obtained in your channel, so after 48hrs your watch hour might changed either increase or decrease nevertheless after finalizing your watch hours if everything was normal as it should then your watch hours won't alter. Sometimes it could take more than 48hrs to complete this process. 

REMEDY: Avoid invalid traffic.

Watch Hour Range

Watch hour range is the time frame given for your to obtain a specific amount of watch time.

Facebook watch hour range is (Last 60 Days)
YouTube watch hour range is (Last 12 Months)

I want you to understand that in YouTube Monetization what counts in your Public Watch Hour is your Watch hours obtained within the last 12 months, watch time obtained from YouTube Shorts/reels don't count in your watch public watch hours. 

So any watch hours you got over a year is been removed from your Monetization gauge. 

For Instants:  Today is 27th July 2022 your Monetization only counts watch hours from 27 July 2021 - 26th July 2022.

In your monetization analytics today it counts 27 July 2021 - 26th July 2022 (because today is not over yet) 

From your YouTube studio, 

*Go to your Analytics, 

*At the right top of the page where you see Last 28 days, 

*Switch it to last 365 days to view your watch hours in the last 12 months, 

NOTE: Watch time showed in the analysis might include watch time from shorts which do not count in your monetization.

To learn how to get 4000 Watch Hours Easily on YouTube Click Here Or Watch Video Below.

How to get 4000 watch hours on YouTube in 7 days

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