Talking about religion in Africa; Religion has caused a lot of damages in the lives of most Africans both old and young. Truth be told most of this religions were structured for a better living but unfortunately the Teachers of this religions has twisted the understanding and practices of this religion to a different scenario for their selfish interest.

Religion at this present time is promoting laziness in the life of the citizen, down to Christianity the word Faith and Miracle has promoted laziness which has eaten up the future of many citizens due to wrong teaching and interpretations

You spend a lot of time praying for success than you work for success, I must you prayers solves more of spiritual problems than physical problem. Work solves your physical problem, the would say “the spirit controls the physical” but I say to you today “it’s only effective when you have a spiritual force fighting against you” many of you never had any force fighting against them but yet will convinced to believe someone somewhere is the cause of their downfall.

When you fail to work and plan your life well that’s when you fall victim of this false teachers who would enslave your mindset.

Prayer is effective and necessary in the life of a Christian but Prayers without work is dead just as the scripture says {Faith without work is dead} a lot of people do not understand this, When the scripture says Faith without work is dead it simply means prayers without work is dead.
When you pray you have faith that God will answer you, my dear if you do not work towards what you ask God for then your prayer is dead / declined.

A lot of people prayed before going into the exam class yet the failed because they didn’t read their body, if you do not study and know the answer even in the exam hull after your prayers you will still not have the answer to the given question. So why do you think you would become rich by praying or shouting Amen. Go get yourself a Job…

Disunity in Nigeria.
I must tell you multi religion in Nigeria is one of the causes of disunity with ethnicity. Most of this religious teachers has influenced the mindset of their followers into having a minor hatred for their  neighbors with a different believe, this dislike created in them towards other religion most time it gets out of country.

For Instance, the Christian Bible says “Do not be at equal yoke with unbelievers” a lot of pastors, evangelists and those who call themselves Prophets and Bishop has misinterpreted this portion of the Bible.

In 2022 a young Nigeria lady (Christian) was killed by angry mobs of Islamic religion because of blasphemy. This is the mindset the religious teacher’s impact into the citizens.

Allah (God) Almighty is Omnipresent and Omnipotent He is not blind, His Supremacy is incomparable while not allow Him punish whoever brings blasphemy. You break His law because you are fighting for him, wrong. {Thou shall not kill. Love your neighbor as I have loved} He should be the one fighting for you, only keep his law.

To Be Contd...


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